
"Empowered by faith, transformed by grace. Discover how lives are changed through the love of Christ."

Sis. Grace Pappan

Last Sunday, Sis Grace Pappan came to church with severe knee pain. Her only prayer on the way was Lord, please let the lift be working so I can reach church and give me the strength to stand for 4-5 minutes to receive my birthday blessings. Sister managed to come to church. Though she sat through most of the worship, during the ministry time, Pastor Rekha asked t the congregation to place hands on the area where we needed healing and pray. Sister placed both her palms on her knees and prayed for healing. As she prayed, she noticed the pain in her knees stopped, and felt that her knee joints were freed. She moved them around, stood up, and felt no pain at all. It’s been a few days now and Hallelujah, her knees are completely pain-free! This is what Sis Grace Pappan had to say “Pastor, i am dancing in joy …you know why…. Pastor, first it was the backache – this one got healed in Shanthi seva at wow ladies camp when you placed your hand on my back n prayed while i was climbing the stairs slowly and then it is the knee pain……!!! Both the times Jesus healed me miraculously!!!!! That back ache never bothered me again…it’s been 2.5 years pastor since the healing. I believe this knee pain will never bother me again too in Jesus name”. Sis Grace thanks Pastor Rekha for the wonder Word of healing and thanks Lord Jesus for this miracle. all glory to god.

Bro. Rakesh

On Saturday, 8th June, Br Rakesh’s dad was admitted in the hospital due to severe stomach and heart pain. The Holy Spirit reminded him to pray, but he found it difficult to focus and pray at that moment. He texted Br Moses who told him to keep praying and assured him that they would also be praying. Br Rakesh started praying for his dad and felt confident that God would intervene.Few hours later, all the complications began to stabilize. The doctors advised that he remain in the hospital for a while until all the necessary tests were completed. The next day was Sunday, and his father was in ICCU but stable, Br Rakesh wanted to be in church and so he attended the church service.During the worship service, the worship team sang a song called “Nothing Is Impossible,” and Br Rakesh was even more strengthened in the Lord. He met Pastor Rekha, who prayed for his father and encouraged him by saying “You do the natural, and God will do the supernatural.”When he went to the hospital to see his dad, he was shocked to see that his dad was shifted to the regular ward. After a few days, he was discharged from the hospital.

On 5th of July, Br Rakesh for a call from his brother that his dad was rushed to the hospital again and this time, his condition was worse than before. There were three lumps in his stomach and the doctor suggested surgery or else, he may lose his life. Even if the surgery was conducted, the chances of survival were less, or he might go into coma. The family said no to the surgery and requested the doctors to perform regular treatment.Br Rakesh in faith submitted the prayer request to the Church Prayer Tower. He also canceled every negative word that was spoken about his dad’s health and prayed for the right treatment and for the right doctors. Br Rakesh was holding on in faith that God will perform a miracle in his father’s health remembering all the encouragement from our pastors.After the regular treatment, when all the reports were taken, all the reports came normal. Halleluiah!The doctors who told that his condition was critical were shocked to see the reports that were normal. They even ruled out that there is no need for surgery. Br Rakesh’s dad is now discharged and at home now.

br Rakesh, thanks our Pastors, Br Moses, Br Sunil and the church prayer tower team. Above all thanks Lord Jesus for this miracle. He strongly believes what Ps Rekha said “You do the natural, and God will do the supernatural.” All Glory to God alone.


Sis. Agnes

Sis. Agnes was getting ready to come to church for the children’s prayer when she realized that a pair of gold earrings were missing. She was worried and started searching for them but soon realized that attending prayer at church was more important. Knowing she would be late if she kept searching, she decided to head to church.Once she arrived at church, she completely forgot about the earrings. After the prayer session, while heading home, she remembered them again. Upon reaching home, she opened the cupboard, and the earrings were right in front of her.

When we cast our cares and worries onto God and focus on His work, He will take care of our concerns and needs.

All glory to my God and Savior.

Sis. Aruna

Sis. Aruna shares God’s goodness. One morning, she wanted to have tea, so she put a pot on the stove and then forgot about it as she went to work. After some time, her daughter called to tell her that the tea had been left on the stove and the pot was now blackened.

Sister Aruna thanks God that nothing serious happened. She praises God for His protection over her family and home.