ALl remarkable kids (ARK)

ARK is the Community Church children ministry aims at communicating the love of Jesus Christ to the children and through the children

Sunday : 10:00am – 11:30am



To equip the child with the Word of God

To build a Christ like attitude in them

To bring revival through them


Love of Jesus Christ to the children and through the children.


Prayer, Love, Obedience, Discipline, Perfection

about ARK

ARK kids are 60+ in number and divided into 4 groups – Littlehearts (4-5 years), Bravehearts (6-8 years), Conquerors (9-12 years), Overcomers (13-15 years).

Each group has a set syllabus that is taught by trained ART – All Remarkable Teachers. The ARK Ministry is overseen by a group of CSRs (Church elders) to ensure smooth functioning of the Ministry.

The lessons are theme-based, each lesson has an AIM, a Bible Story, a Memory Verse, a Life Application, an Activity, and is delivered in a set pattern through songs, actions, stories and activities.

The children are encouraged to share their testimonies and also submit prayer requests. Children often share amazing testimonies that encourage the Teachers too. They are also ever ready to pray for their family and friends, we can often see their love and concern through the prayer requests.