
"Empowered by faith, transformed by grace. Discover how lives are changed through the love of Christ."

Sis. Sonali Holkhunde

On the 27th of July, during Women’s fellowship and Potluck, Ps Rekha prophesied about sister Sonali’s job, saying that God was making a way. Praise be to God, Sis Sonali received a job within a month. She is deeply thankful to Lord Jesus for His amazing grace in her life and thanks Ps Rekha for her prayers and Bro Moses Dayan for forwarding her resume.

All glory to God. 

Sis. Rajani Douglas

Br Douglas lent a lot of money to his uncle’s family. It had been over a year that the money was never returned. Since they were close family members, Br Douglas never asked them nor spoke about the money they owe him. But the family submitted a prayer request to the CSR Prayer tower group. Praise be to God, within a few days, they received most of the money back from them. Though a small portion of it is still to be paid, they’re sure God will enable their relative to settle that too very soon.

The family is grateful to God for His provision and for the CSR Prayer Tower team who has supported them through constant prayers and intercession.

All Glory to God.

Sis. Mary Noel

Sis Mary Noel and her sister Pushpa Joel paid for their flat registration on 9th June 2022 and submitted the challan to the builders, who were intermediaries. They were promised the title deeds within two weeks, but two years passed, and they did not receive them. Sis Mary submitted a prayer request to the WOW and CSR teams. Br. Sunil regularly followed up.

God intervened, and the general manager at the head office repaid the challan (as the original had expired), completing the registration on 5th August. However, the general manager requested payment for the challan he had paid, though their initial payment on 9th June 2022.

On 11th August, Sis Mary asked Ps Rekha to pray, who told her that she has seen a tick mark, (right symbol) while she was praying and assured her that God would handle the situation. In faith, Sis Mary provided a post-dated cheque to the general manager, who agreed to cash it only after their original payment was refunded.

By 16th August, Sis Mary and Pushpa Joel received the original title deeds for their flats. They praise God, Jehovah Ebenezer, for resolving the issue and thank the pastors, WOW, CSR prayer tower team, Br Sunil, and Br Moses for their prayers.

Sis. Chandrakala

Sis Chandrakala had been suffering from severe ear pain for the past week, and in spite of taking medication, the pain persisted. She requested the WOW intercessory prayer group to pray for her. Miraculously, after their prayers, she was healed without needing further medication.

She thanks God for her healing and expresses gratitude to the WOW team for their prayers.

Sis. Aruna Reddy

One of their houses was about to be vacated because the tenant got transferred suddenly and couldn’t inform them earlier.  They put up a “To-let” board and waited for new tenants, but no one called for several days. Sister prayed to God, asking that the house should not remain empty and that He would send a good tenant before it was vacated.

To their surprise, they received a call, and they agreed to reduce the rent. The person wanted to move in by the 29th, the same day their old tenants were set to vacate. When Sis Aruna’s husband went to meet him, two different parties were waiting and willing to pay more rent.

They had to pray to decide to whom to give the house, without reducing the rent.

Sister praises and thanks God for His immense grace in their lives. Sister would also like to thank Pastor Prabhu, who taught them to trust God in all situations. All Glory to God alone.

Sis. Sonali

Sis Sonali wants to testify to God’s goodness in her sister-in-law, Anjali’s life. On Sunday evening, Anjali accidentally injured her eye with a cutting board, causing swelling in her eyeball and pain in her cheekbone. Since it was late and a Sunday, they had to wait until Monday morning to see a doctor.

The next day, the doctor conducted the necessary checkups and confirmed that there were no internal damages. He assured them that there was nothing to worry about and prescribed a few medicines and eye drops. What could have been a major incident was miraculously taken care of by God. The family thanks God for His protection and the WOW team for their prayers. Praise be to God!

Sis. Rachel

Sister Rachel’s friend Alice, who lives in Canada, conceived in June and visited the doctor to check the baby’s vitals. The doctor informed them that the baby might have Down syndrome and recommended further tests. Sis Alice and her husband panicked and shared their worries with Sis Rachel, who began praying and requested prayers from the WOW team.

The tests lasted for three weeks, and on Monday, Sis Alice received the report from the doctor confirming that there were no abnormalities and that both the baby and mother are safe.

Sis Rachel and sis Alice thank God for changing a negative report into a good report. They also thank the WOW team and Pas Rekha for their prayers. All Glory to God Almighty!

Sis. Shashi

A few days ago, Sister Shashi requested prayers for her daughter Ranjini Escalate. The state sewerage system running through her yard required repairs, and the government initially demanded 8,000 dollars for the repair work which was a huge amount. Praise be to God, after three weeks, the repairs were completed and they only had to pay 1900 dollars.

No matter the situation, when we bring it to the Lord in prayer, He never disappoints us! Halleluiah!

2nd Testimony:

Last week, Sis Ranjini Escalate underwent major surgery to remove lumps in her breast. Sis Shashi requested the WOW team to pray for her daughter and for divine wisdom for the doctor.

All praise to God, the surgery went smoothly, and Sis Ranjini was discharged the very next day. At her follow-up appointment, the doctor was surprised by how quickly she was healing. Sis Shashi is grateful to our Lord Almighty for this testimony in her daughter’s life and thanks the WOW team for their prayers.

Sis. Silveri Jyothi

Sis Silveri Jyothi’s nephew Avinash had an accident at school, injuring his forehead near his eye. The family was worried, and sister requested the WOW team to pray for him that it should not lead to any serious injury to his eye. Avinash received three stitches on his eyebrow, but the doctor assured them that his eye was perfectly fine. Sister thanks our Lord Jesus Christ for His protection over her nephew and thanks the WOW team for their prayers.

Sis. Aruna Reddy

Sis Aruna’s brother-in-law, Himavanth Reddy, was feeling uneasy and was having chest pain. Sister immediately submitted a prayer request to the WOW team for his health.

Praise be to God, his wife, Sis Karuna, testifies that within an hour of the prayer request, he started feeling better. The next day, they went for medical tests, which all came back normal.

Sis Aruna and Sis Karuna give all glory to God for this healing testimony and thank the WOW team for their fervent prayer.

Sis. Grace Pappan

Sister Grace planned to move to a house closer to the church, and the move was supposed to happen on 30th August. The tenants who were already there in that house promised to vacate by 15th August, but they began creating problems and delaying their movement causing trouble for Sis Grace. In spite of having made all necessary arrangements and not having a backup plan, she trusted God to provide a solution.

Sis Grace shared the situation with the WOW team, who prayed for her. Thanks to their prayers and support, the situation resolved quickly, and the tenants agreed to vacate the house.

Sister Grace thanks God Almighty for handling the situation and enabling her to move into her new home peacefully as planned. She also thanks the WOW team for their prayer support.

Sis. Sadhana

After returning from school, Sis Sadhana was cooking dinner and had left the cooker on the stove while she relaxed. When she tried to get up to turn off the stove, she experienced severe back pain due to a muscle catch. Though she had this pain, she needed to turn off the stove to prevent it from exploding. Sister prayed for God’s help to relieve her pain so she could move. Instantly, she felt some relief and was able to turn off the stove. Although she still experienced pain that night, it had completely gone by morning, allowing her to go to school. Sister thanks Lord Jesus for answering her prayers and healing her. Glory to God alone!